Charles Browne
2 min readJan 19, 2022


As a sufferer of "ancillary side effects" as I like to call them, stemming from Lyme disease infection now 20 or more years behind me I really "get it. I was "lucky" enough to have (had?) the type of immune system that basically just kills off everything. Literally, I never get sick. What did that mean with Lyme. That, by the one doctor that finally figured out my problem, I had been infected for 1 1/2 to 2 years prior to symptoms showing.

Since most doctors weren't trained to understand the bizarre symptoms I was showing I went through months of tests and agony. Having my own business but not being able to afford insurance for myself and my family I opted for them to have it instead of me.

Lyme attacks the weakest spot it can find and then works from there. had all my teeth except the wisdoms. Didn't know I had a hairline crack in the one crown I had. I never had a problem (infection) because I had decent oral hygiene and my immune system. Dentist couldn't figure why my gums went to shit & I started loosing teeth.

Then one of my knees started swelling. Had to use emergency rooms (not the best doctors there for what I had, believe me). They were draining fluid out, testing it, and finding nothing (not looking for the right thing). Long and short when I finally got the right doc and was put into remission I had a damaged knee, lost 6 or more teeth, and was left with "Lyme related arthritis".

Used to be strong as an ox. Not now since I can't leverage the force on the joints. Pain every day (fortunately differing in severity). Have to be careful holding things as at times my grip will go, or a muscle will spasm. All new things for me. I actual have a solid science education and am always trying to learn. Since Covid enters primarily through ACE2 receptor and since they are everywhere in your body, this appears to be why it can attack some many other systems.

I could go on, but the long and short is that Jessica is right, on top of that, the capitalists are not concerned in global elimination but protection of both future rights and profits from the mRNA technologies and the vaccine profits, assuring us of many more variants coming forth. And, many states here and some nations don't track infections nor keep adequate data. As we say here in our house (dark humor here) :we are doomed"!



Charles Browne

I’m a middle of the road extremist hoping to share knowledge, hope, laughter, insights, and useful information. I read, cook, bake, garden, and much more.